Little Evangelist|Best Christian Magazine for Children

Keeping our kids safe...

Dear children..
Did you know that you have a friend walks with you wherever you go.This friend’s name is Jesus. The more you spend time with Him, the more you can know and Love Him..

1- We request parents to find quality time with your children
2- Remember Parents are the first teachers
3-Every prayers that you pray for your children reaches God’s ears in Heaven


About Us...

Little Evangelist Magazine is Produced by Anointing Fire Catholic Ministries a Catholic charity Registered in England No. 1176259. Fr. Soji Olikkal, the director of Anointing Fire Catholic Ministries UK who is working in the Archdiocese of Birmingham, and a leading Charismatic preacher, was inspired by the Holy Spirit to produce a Catholic magazine for Little Children in which they can spent time in activities, colouring, stories etc

This is a quarterly publication which was launched in June 2018..This Magazine is a Family Friendly Magazine aimed at encouraging younger children to grow in their relationship with God as well as with parents.

Purely to cover the expenses cost we charge a small amount for a copy of Magazine

We distribute this magazine in schools, parishes . Also we distribute the copies locally and internationally upon requests...

Our Vision

We have a special gift for you today. The Little Evangelist – just for you. This will enable you to communicate with Jesus and to make him your best friend. Jesus loves us and always walks with us. He wants us to be happy and cheerful. He said "Let the little children come to me, for theirs is the Kingdom of God." So you are the Kingdom of God.. He will help you to become beacons of His light and messengers of His peace and joy. Let us join our hands together to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to our less fortunate brethren. In this divine mission the Holy Spirit will always inspire and guide us.

Contact Us

Little Evangelist
17 Woodway, Erdington,
Birmingham B24 OAH
United Kingdom

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